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AST Systems                                   

"With over 20 years of experience in the field of satellite communications, AST Systems are truly dedicated to providing an unbiased and reliable satellite communication service to their customers.  From satellite phone hire to providing complex solutions such as satellite tracking systems, AST Systems are always happy to help and advice customers on the best solutions available in the market.



Gregory Darling, Managing Director comments;  'AST were one of the first independent companies to recognise the potential for satellite communication needs around the world.  As a result we have lived through and grown whilst all of the major developments in the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) industry have taken place. 



The benefits of this continue today, and alongside the experience and knowledge that 20 years in the industry bring, AST have built and maintained strong relationships with all the major global satellite communication suppliers.' "  Company Statement



AST Systems donated airtime to Patrick and Richard for their Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro (which Patrick had previously purchased from AST Systems, for their Gobi Expedition). It allowed them to call, text and update twitter from wherever they were in Papua New Guinea.


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